Displayed below are the rates for Classified, Picture Classified and Display ads. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office. We're here to help!
Classifieds: 208-667-0651, Email: ads@nickelsworth.com
Display: 208-667-2408, Email: display@nickelsworth.com
You have the option to select up to 2 additional papers for additional coverage areas.
Nickel's Worth: 3pm Wednesday (Northern Idaho, Western Montana, Spokane Valley, Online)
The Giant Nickel: 12pm Tuesday (Tri-Cities, Washington; Online publication only)
The Pennywise: 4pm Tuesday (Trail, BC, Canada; No Pictures)
Select 2 papers: $18.50 (10 cents per word after the first 15 words)
Select 3 papers: $26.15 (10 cents per word after the first 15 words)
Highlight your Classified Ad in green when it posts online for an additional $5.
Online-Only Photos may be added to all Classified Ad Orders: Up to 5 for flat $5; 2 or less for $2 each
Online-Only Photos may be added to all Classified Ad Orders: Up to 5 for flat $5; 2 or less for $2 each
Picture Classified prices for other papers (minimum charge): All 10 cents per word after 30 words
Nickel's Worth: Wednesday 3pm
Giant Nickel: Tuesday 12pm (noon)
Pennywise: No Pictures Allowed
Open rate is $15.80 per column inch. Advertise a display every week and get a monthly 10% discount. Full color is included in all display rates. We do not require contracts. Ad size may change weekly.
Success! Your submission will be scheduled for the next printed Edition unless requested otherwise. Invoices are mailed at the end of each month, or we will call you for prepayment or questions. Good luck!
Your ad is missing some required information. Please complete the following and re-submit.
You can click on "Place An Ad" to view all the current advertising rates and discounts.
You have the option to prepay for your ad using a credit or debit card over the phone, or we would be glad to set up a monthly billing account for you. Even if you've requested to be billed, you can pay over the phone anytime by calling our office at 208-667-0651
Classified ads
Nickel's Worth: 3pm Wednesday
Giant Nickel: 4pm Tuesday
Picture Classifieds and Display ads:
Nickel's Worth: 3pm Wednesday
Giant Nickel: Noon Tuesday
For any ad(s) scheduled to run in the Nickel's Worth, changes and cancellations must be made no later than Tuesday at 5pm. For ads scheduled in the Giant Nickel, changes and cancellations no later than Tuesday at 4pm.
Once an email address is registered to an account it cannot be changed. You must create a new account under the email address you wish to use.
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